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Touch the Sky
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City | Touch the Sky Sculpture Susan P Wheatlake Regional Caner center. Reed City, MI.Sculpture City |
Touch the Sky
Touch the Sky is one of the most difficult public sculptures I have ever created by design or build. Touch the Sky is a spiritual statement in contemporary flat plate metals. A spiritual statement that attempts in hard flat metal a visual conversation about a human condition at times so frightening that art in any form has little chance to soften the need. A stylized family swirling in an embrace with all reaching up to quietly request belief and hope. Can a public sculpture or a public pc of art cure pain? NO! However, there is a small goal that such creative work might inspire perseverance.
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